Inner Child Work Therapy

Inner Child Work Therapist in Mumbai -
Dr Sharmila Dhobale

Inner Child Work Therapist in Mumbai
Take Care your Inner Child

What is Inner Child Work Therapy?

Inner child work is the process of connecting, understanding, embracing and healing your inner child. Your inner child represents your first authentic self that entered into this world; with no limiting conditioning of the present world. It contains your capacity to experience wonder, joy, innocence, sensitivity and playfulness as it is. While growing up, due to environmental impact we lose these inner child qualities. In a way we begin to disown the innocence of childhood.

As children we perceived the world very differently from our adult selves. Because of this, many of the things we presently assume never hurt us as children may have left deep scars.

Inner child work therapist in Mumbai

Issues an adult can have due to childhood traumas are:

Child Psychologist in Mumbai
  • Depression and GAD
  • Low self-esteem and low self-confidence,
  • Loneliness
  • Certain situations result in guilt, shame, fears, hatred, self-loathing, anger
  • Phobias
  • Destructive behavioural patterns-self sabotaging patterns are formed
  • Irrational emotional reactions
  • PAB (passive aggressive behaviour),
  • Escape behaviours like indulging into watching too much internet, addictions to alcohol, drugs, shopoholism, workaholism, emotional eating.
  • Sometimes even suicidal thoughts.
  • Feminity issues with women. For eg: dysmenorrhea, endometriosis etc
  • Sexuality related issues.
  • Chronic illnesses.
  • Helpless attitude towards life can be formed.
  • Pleasing personality results in to lack of assertiveness, being yes man.
  • Sometimes a person loses his/her own authenticity. He lives life of parents, life of others. Gets carried away by others opinions and suggestions very easily and doesn’t have capacity to think for himself. 
  • Sometimes he is lost and confused, has no clarity in taking decisions for himself and for his life.
  • Adult relationships can be difficult in adult life because of childhood conditioning.
  • Various negative beliefs about life, money, self, relationships, and professional life are formed.

Child is purely an emotional being. Child’s survival too depends on parents and the environment. Socio-economic, cultural, educational, religious influence is more on a child since he hasn’t developed his logical mind yet. In order to adapt to the environment, depending upon his emotional reactions, he forms certain adaptation strategies, survival mechanisms, some conclusions are taken, certain decisions are made, some beliefs and values are taken subconsciously-some are formed, and certain behavioral patterns are formed. His subconscious filters or perceptions are formed on the basis of data he received and fed in his psyche, in the childhood till 8-9 years of age. They are the files in no edit, no delete form based on pleasure and pain.

Child can develop wounded psyche. Childhood traumas impact on a physical, emotional, mental and even sexual level.

Dr Sharmila Dhobale is Certified Inner Child Work Therapist in Mumbai from Quantum Life University – Hyderabad.

She is also a Qualified NLP, REBT, Family Constellation, and Transpersonal Regression Therapist in Mumbai. She is also a Clinical hypnotherapist in Mumbai. She has been conducting workshops on various subjects of her forte since 30 years in the corporate, educational and public sectors addressing their physical, mental and emotional issues. She incorporates all the knowledge and experience of diverse fields and the scientific approach of Spirituality and Metaphysics for the benefit of her client’s lives’ while creating stability and astonishing growth.

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If you feel stuck or facing any mental or life challenges then, Book Appointment with Inner Child Work Therapist in Mumbai - Dr Sharmila Dhobale

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What to expect from Inner Child Work Therapy

No matter how big or small, almost all of us experienced some kind of trauma as children. In a dysfunctional family childhood can be traumatic.

Through inner child work, you can learn to grieve, heal and resolve any sources of trauma you’ve been unconsciously holding on to for years. This can liberate you and allow you to live a life of true adulthood, emotional balance and wellbeing. It would allow you to experience greater happiness and optimism, Improved creativity, Healthier mind, body, and soul, stronger friendships and relationships, Development of essential life skills: acceptance, forgiveness, vulnerability, compassion, self-love.

Inner child work is a vital component of self-work because it reconnects us with a wounded element of ourselves. Instead of simply looking at symptoms of your pain, you’ll go right to the core and reveal its root cause. When we reconnect with this fragmented part of ourselves, we can begin to discover the root of many issues in our life. Inner child work is all about healing these roots and letting go the influencing root causes on your present reality; which is not allowing you to live fully in the moment.

“The child- every child around the earth, in all societies is forced to renounce his being, is forced to accept other’s opinions about himself. Every child is born absolutely accepting himself as he is. Each child is born with great love for himself, he has self-love, self-respect because he is not yet a mind.”